IRBiS-F OSS for Saas, Iaas, Paas is a light-weight billing system designed for helping companies in services monetization by the subscription model.
IRBiS-F OSS owns the following capabilities:
Payment enrollments to individual accounts.
Funds automated withdrawal from individual accounts.
Tariff plan flexible constructs.
Business process management.
Open API for integration with the third-party systems.
Reports on performed operations.
Ability to make access to the system with job restrictions.
Email and SMS-mailing.
Automatic disconnections and connections of clients.
Ability to create various loyalty campaign.
All the mentioned above capabilities will be useful for:
To sales managers who will be able to spend less time for contractual and report works and pay more attention to clients.
To market researchers who will be able to respond to potential customer outflow prematurely and establish customer engagement and retention effective campaigns.
To CFOs who will be able to anticipate income more precisely and more effectively operate with debts.
To accountants who will be able to minimize time commitment for invoices and contracts preparation.
To clients who will be able to keep a tight rein in intramural expenditure and receive notification about the payment due dates.
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