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Billing for housing and public utilities

Billing for housing and public utilities

The billing system IRBIS-F OSS is a powerful information platform thanks to which all payments for various housing and public utilities are timely evaluated.

Payment for the services may take place by several ways including online payments. Moreover, payoff distribution is occurred between the subscribers. Fast data exchange with the various platforms and information systems is furnished. The system is able to interconnect with the property management company programs, state housing inspection systems. This service allows to receive and exchange with the updated and important information.  

IRBIS F OSS complex also allows you to perform effectively all data collecting tasks from the metering instruments, accounting of payments received, performing charging and recalculations, and maintenance service. It allows you to automate reciprocal payments with the service providers.

It provides comprehensive accounting records for VAT calculating for services rendered. Also the capability and function set is implemented which makes the service control as simple as possible that increases data entering and funds for services timeliness. 

The system allows you to customize quickly and easily any preferences of subscriber’s contact. This is the case of such points as a feature of the building, presence or absence of relief, family structure etc. In case of need it is recalculated to different periods.

A multi-balanced architecture type has been carried out that allows you to attach balance which are used as a separate customer service. They may be data on water supply, gas, electricity. Different types of payments for various services are combined in one balance that makes the operation easier and more evident.

IRBIS F OSS is able to execute various payments acceptance and processing. It may be cash, non-cash, electronic payment for services. The cash register module maintains the majority of cash register machine and POS terminals on the market. In automatic mode payments registration is performed through the payment systems and banks.

Credit control function supports for continuous analysis and monitoring the client’s debts for services realization as well as there are presented statistical data for communal fund in real-time mode.
Self-service portal has been created for the end customer where every resident can learn about charging and their payments as well as can enter metered values in manual way and other data. Housing and public utilities clouding billing opens up new opportunities and allows you to use all services in the most comfortable way.

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