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Billing system for MVNO/MVNE

Billing system for MVNO/MVNE

Billing for MVNO/MVNE IRBiS OSS is a universal system that is by various degrees excellent for MVNO all possible forms (Light, Service provider, Enhanced service provider, Full). It is meant to be used by both as small and large scale network operators with the serviceability up to 5 000 000 subscribers.  

The system is used as a high-quality tool for package proposals (packets and products) formation on the communication services market. Except for various services and traffic tariff planning the possibility exists for maintaining mutual settlements with its subscribers, creating and implementing any loyalty campaigns, forming competitive market offers, producing counter-offers regarding its opponents.

Most commonly IRBiS-F OSS is a core of the operator’s infrastructure and flexible integration interface allows you to organize high-quality fittings with various systems used by the operator (CRM, SD, technical accounting, financial system etc.).

IRBiS-F OSS solves all industrial business process automation task related to telecommunications service supply and service accounting, connecting arrangement managing, technical record keeping accounting as well as the structured and complete report provision on all patterns of operator’s activities. 

IRBiS-F OSS automatic billing system is a multi-component complex consisting of functional modules set. Such an architecture gives a possibility for using of modules personal set needed for different tasks. Moreover, it allows you to advance functionality over the time and become a system capable to solve increasing numbers of problems. An important feature of architecture is a multithreading of processes that are critical in the issue of system load, as well as possibility of its physical diversity to standalone servers (system scaling out).

The system has API allowing the IRBiS-F OSS seamless integration producing into the operator’s current infrastructure. This opportunity, among other things, allows you to integrate both with the used business applications and various technical platforms with the help of which customer service is occurred.

The modules which from IRBiS-F OSS for MVNO consists:

There are several interaction patterns: purchase of licenses, software renting in a private cloud and SaaS.

We have the ability to spread out infrastructure quickly with several sales models, payments acceptance, tariffication prepaid/postpaid as well as we own the integration ability of MNO infrastructure.

The assignment is led in accordance with the SLA approved and strict observance of obligations assumed. In the event of the equipment layout at our places there are provided certified Data centers. 

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