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The system has the form of platform focused on maximum security and information rate. The system is based on the range Intel® NetStructure™ signal equipment. 

SMS/USSD center Nimble has the following functions:

USSDC interaction with the external systems (switch-board, billing, service applications) is provided via standard protocols (SS7/MAP, SMPP 3.4, TCP/IP) that ensures the solution compatibility with the third party systems.

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Our clients

ЗАО “Телеком 21”
ООО “Твои мобильные технологии”
ПАО “Таттелеком”
ПАО “Башинформсвязь”
ООО “Цифровые технологии”
ООО “Таксофон”
ООО “Единая справочная”

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