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Pre-billing system

Pre-billing system

Switching equipment software solution for the collection, storage and processing of data is aimed for business processes automation to furnish the rate data provided by the switching equipment to transfer into the billing systems, network interaction systems, traffic systems of analysis, and other consumer systems.

The subsystem for the rate data collecting may operate with the wide variety of telecommunication facilities of different manufacturers. The open architecture allows you to adjust the system to new data sources without effort. Since the data are collected they are duplicated into the local data source for further processing.

In the unifying and standardization process collected data are forced to the universal internal format and are supplied with the missing information using reference data and intelligent developed heuristic algorithms. In addition, incidental aggregated data are generated that form the traffic directions and the service operation in this direction. The data transmission and distribution subsystem forces the information to the format required by the consumer’s system and sends the data in the multithreading mode. The subsystem maintains various modes of industrial data transfer, and the data format is easily adapted.

The system has the reprocessing built-in mechanisms which allow to process the data again at any stage if any errors are taken place.
Apart from the data collecting and unifying the system accomplishes integrity monitoring and data quality mechanisms which allow to inform operator timely in case of any violation of the data flow at any stage of the system operation.

The system also has the fraud control which makes it possible to detect fraud at the earliest stage of data processing, and inform the operator to be able to respond to these situations.

An important functional system feature is data preparation for inter-carrier settlements performing (interconnection).
Network interaction service rating is a complex and time-consuming task that requiring the processing of reasonable amount data. The interconnect subsystem allows you to automate this process and data downloading into the billing system by income and costly traffic contracts, corporate agreements as well as upload the operator data traffic to compare it with its data traffic of the connection point.
For system operating and intermediate storage Oracle or MS SQL DBMS are applied.

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