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Billing for IP TV

Billing for IP TV

IRBiS-F OSS billing system supports automation of a process of customers’ installation to television services, further maintenance, and services rendered tariffication as well as the ability for services self-operated control. The system maintains various types of television services: analog, cable, digital, hybrid, IP TV and OTT television.

Cable TV connection:

  1. Address accountability of services rendered;
  2. Automation of assignments for service activation;
  3. Simple periodic service, income accounting for payment (prepaid/postpaid);
  4. External method calling by dynamic conditions for on/off functions executes.
  5. Notification capabilities of subscribers using Email or SMS.

Digital TV, IP TV or OTT connection: 

The subscriber is independently able to carry on various actions in its profile, including:

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ЗАО “Телеком 21”
ООО “Твои мобильные технологии”
ПАО “Таттелеком”
ПАО “Башинформсвязь”
ООО “Цифровые технологии”
ООО “Таксофон”
ООО “Единая справочная”

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