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Billing: features, possibilities of solved tasks

Billing: features, possibilities of solved tasks

Billing allows you to simplify, automate and increase the efficiency of the same type of cyclical operations in various areas of business. The standard functionality of any such system is the following operations: Automatic settlements, recalculations based on existing tariffs for all customers of the company, development and implementation of new tariff plans, creation of standardized reports, formation of accounts and primary accounting documents.

Benefits of using

In the general view, billing is an information automated calculation system that is built on the basis of multifunctional database management systems. The advantages of using a billing system:

Main tasks

The main tasks of billing are:


Billing has a wide range of possibilities. With flexible customization, many automation and business process optimization tasks are addressed. Automatic settlements, data processing, reporting are only the highest level of the billing system. Tracking customer activity, analyzing history and preparing forecasts for processing in the marketing department is another important feature of billing. In general, specific capabilities are determined by the tasks set for the system developer from each customer.

Advantages of TENET

The company "TENET" offers customers the following favorable terms of cooperation:

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